Balloon Race Results are In!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s virtual balloon race, all proceeds are going directly to Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign. As with our previous virtual balloon race, we joined others in a big event organised by Ecoracing. This race was timed to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee.

In total 3789 balloons participated, with the winning balloon travelling 516.84 km to Edenderry in Ireland, just west of Dublin.

Of the balloons participating through Rotary in Harpenden, the winner belonged to Pamela Stewart Panting. Her balloon landed in the outskirts of Warrington, having travelled 269.65 km. Pamela, a member of Harpenden Village Rotary Club, kindly donated her winner’s prize of £50 to End Polio Now. Thank you very much Pamela for your kind donation.

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