Rotary in Harpenden

Rotary in Harpenden CIO is a registered charity set up by the Harpenden Village Rotary Club (HVRC) in 2015.

Members of HVRC join with others in helping Rotary in Harpenden to organise and run community events in Harpenden and surrounding villages. Funds raised by the charity are used or distributed to support local, national and international causes.

Harpenden Village Rotary Club

HVRC have been involved with the local community, running events and raising funds for worthy causes, since 1988. They are a group of 40+ members, men and women, who meet regularly to:

  • Help the charity Rotary in Harpenden CIO to organise and run community events in the town and surrounding villages
  • Listen to interesting speakers
  • Go out on a visit
  • Socialise


Find out more by visiting the HVRC website.

Where HVRC Meet

Members meet over dinner at Aldwickbury Park Golf Club, usually every other Wednesday.

Aldwickbury Park Golf Club
Piggottshill Lane

Time: Wednesdays, 19.15 for 19.45.
Telephone: 01582-760112.
Directions: Aldwickbury Park Golf Club


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